I went through a few blogs searching for the perfect depiction of some common issues with interracial dating and the role that racism plays in the process. I came across a blog on wordpress called It's Not Always Black and White. In one specific post the young african american author of the post described a situation that pertained to interracial dating. The post was full of contridictions and i think that really speaks to american culture. She talked about how she met a guy at a club who was white. He got her number but since she was african american, she said it would not work. The description of her encounter was in the first paragraph of her post, but she then goes on to the second paragraph where she claims to be a proponate of interracial dating. She states that race should not have an influence on who one dates. To me, like i stated earlier, this is indicative of broad american society. People are afraid to date people from other races because they dont want to be the one on the chopping block, not because they are not attracted to people from other races. People would rather take the approach "its just not for me". Basically, she clearly says she wont call this guy because he is white, but then, she wants to make sure she is politically correct and states how wonderful interracial dating is! Which is it? She really means.... im too good for interracial dating because i dont want to be judged or looked down upon; however, more power to the people who dare to do it. If you are going to outwardly speak on interracial dating in a positive light, you really should not start the post with a story about how you refused to call a potential dating partner because of his or her race. It makes no sense. Its just like someone saying "I have no problems with homosexuals" but then wont be caught dead associating with a homosexual. This makes no sense either, but it is just as common as people who claim to have nothing against interracial dating; however, theyactively avoid it in their personal lives. Its all about image in the american culture. People dont want to look bad by dating interracially, but they also dont want to look bad by stating they are against it, making them seem racist. Maybe..just maybe.. people should date based on compatabiltiy, attraction levels or common interests instead of dating based on skin color. Just a thought.
If anyone wants to read this blog the url is http://athinlinebetweenloveandhate.wordpress.com/2008/09/27/interracial-dating/
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6 years ago